Hi there :)
So it's the eve of New Years Eve(Its 11:30pm so its just about N.Y.E). I don't really party anymore, Hubby and I might have a glass of wine and kiss at Midnight. I work until 7 and he works until 11 so we will be home like right in time Midnight. So maybe just a kiss lol..
I did my nails in a half moon style. This is new to me but it sounded really interesting. I used Pure Ice- Purple Reign as my base.
Here is a picture with two coats, I probly could have used even three. But I figured since I was doing something on top it was fine.
For the top I wanted to use something super sparkley so I used Pure Ice - Five Some since I got a lot of compliments on it last time.
This is the last entry for the Nail Basel Challenge. It was very easy and fun to do and it looked really neat and different.
Have a SAFE and Happy New Years! Don't Drink and Drive! It is not worth it! Many taxi's will take you home for free and many local tow companies will pick you up and tow you home for FREE!
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Hi there :)
I wanted to post this yesterday but I've been sick and sleepy. I got sent home from work a little early today so I slept and I wanted to share my post with you before I go back to sleep. Real quick. Do you use coconut oil? I've recently read a whole bunch of awesome things about coconut oil and how amazing this stuff is.... I have to say it's pretty awesome. The skin above my lip and around my nose have been rubbed raw from tissues, last night I put some coconut oil on and this morning when I woke up the skin felt so much better. It didn't look raw and it wasn't so tender. I found a recipe on pinterest for whipped coconut body butter. I am going to try it - If it turns out well I will share!
I got some new nail polish for Christmas- My very first Butter London's! I have only used one so far. I absolutely love the color! It's called Gobsmacked. In the bottle it looks like disco gravel. It goes on super shiny and sparkley and dries like a matte sparkley glitter. It is really really neat. I couldn't stop staring at it. It goes on really thick, I think because of the amount of glitter.
Here is two coats of Gobsmacked without a top coat. The picture doesn't do it any justice. It really is one of the most unique colors I've seen.
Here is with one coat of top coat.
Gobsmacked is from the Autumn/Winter Collection.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!
I wanted to post this yesterday but I've been sick and sleepy. I got sent home from work a little early today so I slept and I wanted to share my post with you before I go back to sleep. Real quick. Do you use coconut oil? I've recently read a whole bunch of awesome things about coconut oil and how amazing this stuff is.... I have to say it's pretty awesome. The skin above my lip and around my nose have been rubbed raw from tissues, last night I put some coconut oil on and this morning when I woke up the skin felt so much better. It didn't look raw and it wasn't so tender. I found a recipe on pinterest for whipped coconut body butter. I am going to try it - If it turns out well I will share!
I got some new nail polish for Christmas- My very first Butter London's! I have only used one so far. I absolutely love the color! It's called Gobsmacked. In the bottle it looks like disco gravel. It goes on super shiny and sparkley and dries like a matte sparkley glitter. It is really really neat. I couldn't stop staring at it. It goes on really thick, I think because of the amount of glitter.
Here is two coats of Gobsmacked without a top coat. The picture doesn't do it any justice. It really is one of the most unique colors I've seen.
Here is with one coat of top coat.
Gobsmacked is from the Autumn/Winter Collection.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Salon Express nails!
Hi everyone! I hope that you all had a merry Christmas! I did!
One of the gifts that I received was the Salon Express Nail Art Stamping Kit, one of those As Seen On Tv ones. I was a lil skeptical at first because I honestly wasn't sure how it worked just from seeing the commercial. I decided to try it last night. It was like 3am when I did it. I was so tired that I tried to use my mouse for my computer when I was looking at my tablet. haha So I gave it a shot and it turned out pretty sloppy, but not bad for not knowing what the heck I was doing. lol Its really neat! It comes with 5 plates with designs on them. You paint over the plate, scrape off the excess paint, then pick up the design with the stamper, then stamp your nail with it!
Overall if I took the time to actually do a good job, I think it will turn out pretty awesome. Yea its probably faster than hand painting designs, and i'm sure once you get the hang of it, it will go faster, but it took me awhile to do it. I love it though! Sorry this is such a short post, but I just wanted to do a quick update on my first attempt at this! Hope everyone has a great day!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Have yourself a Merry little Christmas..
Hi there :)
Merry Christmas to those that celebrate, to those who don't- Happy Tuesday!
I can't believe how FAST 2012 went. I am so happy that the world continues to move on. I am so excited to see what 2013 will bring!
My Christmas Mani is presents! I did my whole mani with pure ice colors that I had. I got invited to do a nail basel challege from Pure Ice and it sounded fun! I didn't have any white pure ice- and the wal marts by my house have the worst nail polish options ever. They are always super slim pickins' and I'm lucky to have the colors I do have... So a lot of that ideas I had in my head just wouldn't work out. My favorite idea I had otherwise were presents. I kinda really love how they turned out. I hope you do also!
I used Pure Ice- Crushed for the bows, Blue Midnight, Party of Five, Purple Reign, Excuse Me, Iced Merlot for the 'wrapping paper'
I hope you like them. Thanks for reading! Happy Holidays!
I hope Santa was good to everyone this year. Remember to be grateful for everything that you receive, even if it wasn't exactly what you wanted.
Merry Christmas to those that celebrate, to those who don't- Happy Tuesday!
I can't believe how FAST 2012 went. I am so happy that the world continues to move on. I am so excited to see what 2013 will bring!
My Christmas Mani is presents! I did my whole mani with pure ice colors that I had. I got invited to do a nail basel challege from Pure Ice and it sounded fun! I didn't have any white pure ice- and the wal marts by my house have the worst nail polish options ever. They are always super slim pickins' and I'm lucky to have the colors I do have... So a lot of that ideas I had in my head just wouldn't work out. My favorite idea I had otherwise were presents. I kinda really love how they turned out. I hope you do also!
I used Pure Ice- Crushed for the bows, Blue Midnight, Party of Five, Purple Reign, Excuse Me, Iced Merlot for the 'wrapping paper'
I hope you like them. Thanks for reading! Happy Holidays!
I hope Santa was good to everyone this year. Remember to be grateful for everything that you receive, even if it wasn't exactly what you wanted.
Monday, December 24, 2012
flirt alert!
Hi there :)
First I'd like to say, whatever you celebrate- I hope that you get to spend it with the people you love and make you happy and that your holidays are full of love and super awesome!
Happy Holidays from our families to yours.
I don't have a holiday inspired post for you. I have tomorrow off so I will be posting my Christmas themed manicures. I have been meaning to post this post since last week, but I have been so super busy finishing up all the stuff I’ve been making for everyone for Christmas in between working; and I’m still not done. Boo. I think by next week I’ll be done… Better late than never right?
On Friday December 21st my friend Jessi and I went to volunteer at “Feed my Starving Children”. Oh my gosh, I had so much fun!! I really cannot wait to go and do it again. The one I went to does it every Friday.
I painted my nails Friday morning with Pure Ice – Flirt alert
I added a ‘funk’ (slanted french tip) tip of Pure Ice – Five Some. I really loved the color combo and I actually got quite a few compliments on them!
First I'd like to say, whatever you celebrate- I hope that you get to spend it with the people you love and make you happy and that your holidays are full of love and super awesome!
Happy Holidays from our families to yours.
I don't have a holiday inspired post for you. I have tomorrow off so I will be posting my Christmas themed manicures. I have been meaning to post this post since last week, but I have been so super busy finishing up all the stuff I’ve been making for everyone for Christmas in between working; and I’m still not done. Boo. I think by next week I’ll be done… Better late than never right?
On Friday December 21st my friend Jessi and I went to volunteer at “Feed my Starving Children”. Oh my gosh, I had so much fun!! I really cannot wait to go and do it again. The one I went to does it every Friday.
I painted my nails Friday morning with Pure Ice – Flirt alert
I added a ‘funk’ (slanted french tip) tip of Pure Ice – Five Some. I really loved the color combo and I actually got quite a few compliments on them!
Here is a better pic. For some reason I could not get a awesome picture
of the glitter in 'Five-Some' but it really is a beautiful color!
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoined!
So, the other day I made a twitter so I could tweet for a giveaway. I am kinda having fun so if anyone would like to follow me click here .
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
First I just want to say whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or another holiday, I hope that you have a wonderful holiday and wonderful memories with your families!
Happy Holidays from us ladies at My Nail Polish Is Poppin'!
Alright, so down to business. My parents decided to take my kids for the night, so I got a chance to do my nails again!! WOO!
Started out with a base coat of clear, then used Sinful Colors: Show me the way. I thought because it looks so thick and dark in the bottle that it would go on that way. One coat and you could still see my nail, so I put a few coats.
After that I wanted to add sparkle because I'm obsessed with glitter. I think the ratio of solids to glitters in my collection of polishes is definitely in favor of the glitter. Anyways... I used Sinful Colors: Call you later. OMG its such a beautiful green glitter!
It's kinda hard to see in this picture. I wasn't sure how to use the striping tape, so I looked up a few different ways to use it. Decided to just lay it over top of glitter. I laid the strips in all different directions for each nail. Then for the accent nail I wanted to do something different and originally had tried to the other striping tape technique I had discovered, but it didn't turn out so well. I tried to lay the tape down, then paint over it with red so the sparkly green showed thru, but I don't think I let things dry correctly, so I gave up on that idea.
For the accent nail I just decided to it with Milani's 23A Ruby Jewels. I keep using this color because I just love it so much. It's probably my favorite red glitter polish that I have. It goes on perfect and its just gorgeous! Finished off with a top coat to help seal in the strips.
Took this pic yesterday of my 3 year old. He has so much emotion, he cracks me up!
Hope that everyone enjoyed this post! Have a wonderful day!!
PS. Decided to do my toe nails too. Used Milani: 23A Ruby Jewels and Essie's Beyond Cozy! Thought they looked pretty awesome. Don't mind my ugly feet though! haha
23a Ruby Jewels,
beyond cozy,
Call you later,
elaine's supplies,
nail polish,
nail polish swap,
secret santa,
Show me the way,
sinful colors,
striping tape
Friday, December 21, 2012
Santa Claus is comiiiiiing to town!
This year has FLEW by. I can't even believe that Christmas is already here and that my youngest son is already a whole year old! His birthday was Dec. 1st.
I was supposed to do this post a few days ago and I for some strange reason I thought I already did. I may possibly be losing my mind. haha I blame my children. Speaking of my children... These nails look bad, had to do them with a very low light. Could barely see what the heck I was doing. I broke my sons crib and he was sleeping in his porta crib in my living room, so all the lights were off except for the hall light.
I kept seeing nails like these and have been wanting to do it on myself, I must say, I was a lil disappointed. I used a white polish that I have only used one other time and couldn't remember how well it worked. It didn't stay on long. Not even 2 whole days later it was already peeling off, and because it was over the red, it peeled that off partially too. Plus side though is that I will be attempting another Christmas inspired design tonight, possibly using some sweet nail art stuff that I got doing a secret santa event with one of the nail swap groups I'm in on facebook!
I finally decided to just tear off the rest of the acrylic left on my nails instead of growing it out long enough to just cut off. I was going to get some stuff to put on them to get it off, but I kept forgetting and started to chew on them and then decided to peel them off, so it was kinda spur of the moment. They actually didn't look too bad compared to how they normally are after fake nails. They were still really thin however. I only has 1 casualty, the pinky nail on my left hand. When I peeled off the acrylic, most of my nail went with it, so it's been a lil tender.

As you can probably tell in the first pic, my hands are pretty dry. This was mild compared to normal, but i've been trying to keep them not so dry. I used Satin Hands by Mary Kay. If you haven't ever tried it before, you should, its awesome! After doing Satin Hands, I used some Sally Hansen Miracle Nail Thickener. This is the first time using it, so I don't really have any results to share about how good that works. It claims that after 4 days of using it that you start to see results, so I think after Christmas, I am going to give my nails a break for a few days and try it since they're so thin and messed up after the fake nails.
For the red I used 23A Ruby Jewels by Milani. It's so Christmasy and sparkly and perfect for a Christmas nail.
After doing the white trim, I added some more sparkle with the L.A. Colors Art Deco BNA502 Silver Glitter. Love this stuff. Its inexpensive and adds a nice touch.
I really would love to see what holiday inspired nails everyone has done! Please feel free to share pics with us! Hope everyone enjoyed this post!
Kisses from Elijah!
I was supposed to do this post a few days ago and I for some strange reason I thought I already did. I may possibly be losing my mind. haha I blame my children. Speaking of my children... These nails look bad, had to do them with a very low light. Could barely see what the heck I was doing. I broke my sons crib and he was sleeping in his porta crib in my living room, so all the lights were off except for the hall light.
I kept seeing nails like these and have been wanting to do it on myself, I must say, I was a lil disappointed. I used a white polish that I have only used one other time and couldn't remember how well it worked. It didn't stay on long. Not even 2 whole days later it was already peeling off, and because it was over the red, it peeled that off partially too. Plus side though is that I will be attempting another Christmas inspired design tonight, possibly using some sweet nail art stuff that I got doing a secret santa event with one of the nail swap groups I'm in on facebook!
I finally decided to just tear off the rest of the acrylic left on my nails instead of growing it out long enough to just cut off. I was going to get some stuff to put on them to get it off, but I kept forgetting and started to chew on them and then decided to peel them off, so it was kinda spur of the moment. They actually didn't look too bad compared to how they normally are after fake nails. They were still really thin however. I only has 1 casualty, the pinky nail on my left hand. When I peeled off the acrylic, most of my nail went with it, so it's been a lil tender.
As you can probably tell in the first pic, my hands are pretty dry. This was mild compared to normal, but i've been trying to keep them not so dry. I used Satin Hands by Mary Kay. If you haven't ever tried it before, you should, its awesome! After doing Satin Hands, I used some Sally Hansen Miracle Nail Thickener. This is the first time using it, so I don't really have any results to share about how good that works. It claims that after 4 days of using it that you start to see results, so I think after Christmas, I am going to give my nails a break for a few days and try it since they're so thin and messed up after the fake nails.
For the trimming for my Santa inspired nails I used Nabi #8 White. I was disappointed because it didn't last long at all and was making the rest of my color peel off when it peeled off. But it did look good while I had it on! I think because I made it thick that may have had something to do with the peeling.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Hi there :)
I'm done with school for the semester. I got A's! Holler! This past weekend my hubby took me to get an early Christmas gift because I've been super duper stressed lately. We went to check out Sally's but the 2 that I went to had 0 clearance nail polish so I didn't get any thing.... (I love nail polish, but I don't like spend so much money for it... So I like to look at clearance :) .. I really want to get the China Glaze Holiday set and also the Cirque Du Soleil set but I didn't see any of the colors that I really loved enough to spend the 2/$11. They were still having it today when I went so if you are interested, check out your local Sally's. 2/$11 really is not a bad price. so anyways, we were in a different town than we normally go to so we were just driving, looking around since everything has changed since the last time we were out there... I was hoping I would find a Dollar Tree, when i did finally find one; there was an Ulta next to it. I really have only been in an Ulta one time and again I was hoping they would have some kind of clearance but they didn't but I saw that they had Zoya. I wanted to buy like 5 different ones, mostly the spakley new ones but I decided to go with Frida. When I was growing up I had a cat named Frida- we actually spelled her name Frieda- I decided to buy that one.
It's kind of a dark teal-y color and I think that it might be a jelly or something? It goes on very light. I used 3 coats and I was really happy with the 3 coats. The first and second coats were almost identical to me, when I put the third coat on it was a lot darker and almost exactly what I was expecting it to look like on my nails.
For the glitter I used Julep - Mila. I am so in love with this glitter. It's kind of like a New Years Eve party in a bottle. I think it looks beautiful with Frida. I am totally loving this style.
I got this Julep in a trade. I absolutely love this color and am so glad I was able to trade! I found a few really neat groups on facebook, with some really nice ladies in it. They are nail polish swapping groups. I had a few polishes that I never used and didn't want to just throw away and I had thought about selling them on ebay but that really is a lot more work than I was wanting to do. So I was talking to Hubby to see what he thought I should do and he mentioned seeing if there was a group maybe on facebook or somewhere else even. I looked on facebook and I was so pleased to find 3 really nice ones! I have been very pleasantly pleased so far with all of my trades. If you have some polishes that you are not wearing, you should check the groups out!
All American Nail Polish Swap Nail Polish Swappers A New Polish Swap Group
Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you enjoyed!
I'm done with school for the semester. I got A's! Holler! This past weekend my hubby took me to get an early Christmas gift because I've been super duper stressed lately. We went to check out Sally's but the 2 that I went to had 0 clearance nail polish so I didn't get any thing.... (I love nail polish, but I don't like spend so much money for it... So I like to look at clearance :) .. I really want to get the China Glaze Holiday set and also the Cirque Du Soleil set but I didn't see any of the colors that I really loved enough to spend the 2/$11. They were still having it today when I went so if you are interested, check out your local Sally's. 2/$11 really is not a bad price. so anyways, we were in a different town than we normally go to so we were just driving, looking around since everything has changed since the last time we were out there... I was hoping I would find a Dollar Tree, when i did finally find one; there was an Ulta next to it. I really have only been in an Ulta one time and again I was hoping they would have some kind of clearance but they didn't but I saw that they had Zoya. I wanted to buy like 5 different ones, mostly the spakley new ones but I decided to go with Frida. When I was growing up I had a cat named Frida- we actually spelled her name Frieda- I decided to buy that one.
It's kind of a dark teal-y color and I think that it might be a jelly or something? It goes on very light. I used 3 coats and I was really happy with the 3 coats. The first and second coats were almost identical to me, when I put the third coat on it was a lot darker and almost exactly what I was expecting it to look like on my nails.
For the glitter I used Julep - Mila. I am so in love with this glitter. It's kind of like a New Years Eve party in a bottle. I think it looks beautiful with Frida. I am totally loving this style.
I got this Julep in a trade. I absolutely love this color and am so glad I was able to trade! I found a few really neat groups on facebook, with some really nice ladies in it. They are nail polish swapping groups. I had a few polishes that I never used and didn't want to just throw away and I had thought about selling them on ebay but that really is a lot more work than I was wanting to do. So I was talking to Hubby to see what he thought I should do and he mentioned seeing if there was a group maybe on facebook or somewhere else even. I looked on facebook and I was so pleased to find 3 really nice ones! I have been very pleasantly pleased so far with all of my trades. If you have some polishes that you are not wearing, you should check the groups out!
All American Nail Polish Swap Nail Polish Swappers A New Polish Swap Group
Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you enjoyed!
julep mila,
nail polish swap,
zoya friday
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Sorry guys!
Hey guys, Leah here. Just wanted to say that I am sorry that I haven't had a chance to post much lately. My youngest son has been having poop and sleep issues. We had to go to the ER the other day and he keeps having weird sleep schedule. I have tried to straighten it out, but he keeps wanting to go to bed at 3am. I also have a 3 year old, so I can't put the 1 year old to bed at 3 and stay up to do nails, so I haven't done them. I can't do them while the boys are awake because they get into everything, not to mention if I have to do things for them I screw up my nails. Was thinking I could do it while they nap, but lately since Elijah (1 y.o.) wont go to sleep till 3am, I have been wanting to take naps with them.
Tomorrow my mom and dad will be taking them overnight and I am so over the polish I have on from the last post still, so I am DEFINITELY doing a post tomorrow. Might even do my toes for a separate post. Thankfully Pan can keep you guys entertained! I just felt like I needed to apologize to anyone who reads this for the lack of posts. Hope that everyone is enjoying our blog so far and that you had fun with the giveaway. We will definitely be having more to come!
Tomorrow my mom and dad will be taking them overnight and I am so over the polish I have on from the last post still, so I am DEFINITELY doing a post tomorrow. Might even do my toes for a separate post. Thankfully Pan can keep you guys entertained! I just felt like I needed to apologize to anyone who reads this for the lack of posts. Hope that everyone is enjoying our blog so far and that you had fun with the giveaway. We will definitely be having more to come!
P.S. Just thought I would share this Christmas pic with you all since I love it. Its their first picture together with Santa! Last year Elijah was too small and it was very cold. On Elijah's first birthday we went to visit Santa at the "North Pole." It was pretty awesome, they had rides, shops, carnival food. The rides, entrance, parking was all free! We had the hardest time getting them both to look at the camera at the same time. lol
Monday, December 10, 2012
Jack pottt!
Hi there :D
Usually I like to post on Tuesdays but I have to work tomorrow and I have energy to post this tonight and I'm watching Pretty Little Liars. Forever my friend Amanda always asks me if I watch it and I never have, so I've been catching it on netflix. I'm obsessed. Do you watch it ?! It's kind of an interesting show. Not to mention the girls always have neat nail polishes and designs on them! Such great fashion too. PLL is like a teen version of desperate housewives. I loved that show too. :D
I actually painted my nails the other day and took pictures but I was in the middle ofprocrastinating writing a paper for English and didn't have time to write the post.
I used Pure Ice - Jack pot - I love this pink and I love the way it looks on my nails. It went on really nice and it stayed on nicely.
I was going to add a sweet glitter coat but I never got to it :/
That is all for now, I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading!
Don't forget about the giveaway!
Usually I like to post on Tuesdays but I have to work tomorrow and I have energy to post this tonight and I'm watching Pretty Little Liars. Forever my friend Amanda always asks me if I watch it and I never have, so I've been catching it on netflix. I'm obsessed. Do you watch it ?! It's kind of an interesting show. Not to mention the girls always have neat nail polishes and designs on them! Such great fashion too. PLL is like a teen version of desperate housewives. I loved that show too. :D
I actually painted my nails the other day and took pictures but I was in the middle of
I used Pure Ice - Jack pot - I love this pink and I love the way it looks on my nails. It went on really nice and it stayed on nicely.
I was going to add a sweet glitter coat but I never got to it :/
That is all for now, I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading!
Don't forget about the giveaway!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Hi there :)
So, I got the giveaway going, but I didn't know it wasn't going to let me start it until midnight 12-5. I'm sorry. But here is the giveaway! I am so excited I hope you all like the giveaway and I hope you will stay and join us in more fun!!
** This giveaway is for US residents only, sorry to everyone who is not eligible :( **
a Rafflecopter giveaway
So, I got the giveaway going, but I didn't know it wasn't going to let me start it until midnight 12-5. I'm sorry. But here is the giveaway! I am so excited I hope you all like the giveaway and I hope you will stay and join us in more fun!!
** This giveaway is for US residents only, sorry to everyone who is not eligible :( **
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, December 3, 2012
Short Fake Christmas...
Ok, so I've had these fake nails on for awhile and they're pretty grown out. Been wanting to take them off, but the only way I have found that is fastest is to bite them off. Since my nails are so thin and fragile, I wasn't wanting to do that this time. Instead I cut them off and filed them so that they aren't sharp and am going to try to just grow them off. If that makes any sense. lol I really really don't wanna rip them off. Before I clipped them off, most of them were the same length as, or very close to the actual length of my nail underneath. So I knew if I would have ripped them off, it would have hurt like a bitch! So here is what they look like naked.
Not too bad, they're just real thick, its kinda annoying actually. I was thinking maybe I'll try to get them off with acetone soon, but for now they're staying like this. lol
Aaaaanyways, I wanted to do a Christmas theme, and also try out some of the stuff that I have that I have been telling you guys I would try. I decided to use two colors from the two gift idea packs I last blogged about here. Of course, I first used a base coat, then I used the sparkly red to start off with doing a two faced thumb nail. It wasn't as thick as I was hoping for this particular look, but still very pretty! Then I did the other side with the green from the Sally Hansen pack. The Lickety-Split Lime is the color I used. It went on very thick and dried pretty quick. Here is a pic of my nails with the red from the Winter Wonderland pack before I took it off.
Since I didn't like the thickness of the Winter Wonderland red for this particular look, I decided to go with 23a Ruby Jewels by Milani. It goes on really thick with 1 coat and is very red and sparkly. Perfect for a Christmas sparkle! Still went with the Lickety-Split Lime and then I wanted to add some of the glitter strips I bought at the Dollar Tree from this post.
Since there weren't that much glitter strips to work with, I decided to only do my thumbs. I sprinkled it on the center line between the colors. This was my first time using these glitters and it was hard to work with. I didn't really know what I was doing with them though really. If you have any suggestions on how to work with these better, please leave me a comment!!
It turned out a lil messy, but I still like it! I decided to finish off the rest of my nails a different way. I went with the Lickety-Split Lime as the main color, then used the Ruby Jewels and dotted my nails to look like bulbs.
My friend Ariel was here being pesty, so while doing my nails I had my camera out and took her pic. I told her it was going on my blog, so here it is! Bahaha!
I will be doing more 'themed' nails I think until Christmas. I really liked Panacea's post about The Walking Dead, so I wanna try to do something along those lines, not just Christmas.
Hope everyone enjoyed my post! Thanks for reading!
xoxo Leah
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Hi there! :)
Tonight is the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead :( I love that show so a lot. Do you watch it?? If you don't, you really should! This season so far is really slow, but they did that last season kinda too. The first part of the season was slow and the next part was super wicked and awesome, so I totally am looking forward to this next part of the season!
So I thought that I would do the walking dead inspired nails. I didn't really know what else to do besides zombies. These zombies are the most glitzy and slow looking zombies I've ever seen lol.
Please keep in mind, I am not an artist!
I started out with China Glaze- Argo. This is from the Hunger Games Collection! I got it at Sally's on clearance for like $1.50 or something! I thought a dark kind of green would be the best color I had that would do well. I really love this color, but the application was not at all what I was expecting. It went on kind of really thick and gooped up really quick and I just couldn't get a super smooth application.
For the eyes I used OPI- Excuse Moi! from the Muppet Collection. OPI is a cruelty free brand according to the Peta list. I don't own many because they are kind of expensive but I love this color! It only took one dab of the polish and I thought it looked dark and noticeable enough. (I couldn't get my fatso cat Jello to move out of the picture. She's super crazy. )
For the eyes and the mouth I used Wet n Wild- Wild Shine- Black Creme and Wet n Wild- Fergie Collection- Rock n Roll on top.
Like I said, I am no artist but I had a lot of fun doing this! I don't know if they really even look like zombies, they look like really slow monsters.
Okay I am going to go and watch The Walking Dead with Hubby. Have a good night. I hope you enjoyed my nails!! Thanks for reading!
Tonight is the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead :( I love that show so a lot. Do you watch it?? If you don't, you really should! This season so far is really slow, but they did that last season kinda too. The first part of the season was slow and the next part was super wicked and awesome, so I totally am looking forward to this next part of the season!
So I thought that I would do the walking dead inspired nails. I didn't really know what else to do besides zombies. These zombies are the most glitzy and slow looking zombies I've ever seen lol.
Please keep in mind, I am not an artist!
I started out with China Glaze- Argo. This is from the Hunger Games Collection! I got it at Sally's on clearance for like $1.50 or something! I thought a dark kind of green would be the best color I had that would do well. I really love this color, but the application was not at all what I was expecting. It went on kind of really thick and gooped up really quick and I just couldn't get a super smooth application.
For the eyes I used OPI- Excuse Moi! from the Muppet Collection. OPI is a cruelty free brand according to the Peta list. I don't own many because they are kind of expensive but I love this color! It only took one dab of the polish and I thought it looked dark and noticeable enough. (I couldn't get my fatso cat Jello to move out of the picture. She's super crazy. )
For the eyes and the mouth I used Wet n Wild- Wild Shine- Black Creme and Wet n Wild- Fergie Collection- Rock n Roll on top.
Like I said, I am no artist but I had a lot of fun doing this! I don't know if they really even look like zombies, they look like really slow monsters.
Okay I am going to go and watch The Walking Dead with Hubby. Have a good night. I hope you enjoyed my nails!! Thanks for reading!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Stocking stuffer ideas!
Hey guys! Sorry I keep slackin on getting out posts from me. I surprisingly have been unmotivated lately. I am already sick of my fake nails too. Thinking about taking them off here soon. I was going to do a paint post tonight, but I just rocked my 1 year old to sleep and it made me tired, so I decided to talk to you about some sweet stocking stuff ideas for Christmas that I seen at Meijer!!
Every year at Christmas time Meijer gets a really cool stocking stuff area in their Christmas section. Its just a whole aisle of little things that work as cool, cheap, lil stocking stuffers/gift ideas. I was browsing the area the other day while shopping and came across some really cute polishes and nail stuff. They had this Blue Cross Beauty Care Winter Wonderland Ornaments Holiday Glitter Collection and this Sally Hansen Happy Manicures Insta Dri pack. Each were only $4.99! The Winter Wonderland collection are almost full size bottles of polish, and the Sally Hansen ones are not too much smaller than that! What a deal! Not only did they have these, but they also had some really cute little snowman bottles of polish, cute packs of emery boards, cute packs of those lil toe separater things, manicure sets, etc... Among the other great non nail related gifts. I am definitely going back and scooping up some more stuff very soon!!
This pic doesn't do them justice, they're all glitter polishes and they're all pretty sweet looking! They all seem to be thick one coat colors, but I haven't tried them yet, so I am not entirely sure. The pink and red are color and glitter. The 3 middle polishes are just clear polish with chunky glitters. I am going to do a separate post using the colors another time. I am not sure if this brand is cruelty free or not. I did try to call them and got no answer and couldn't find an email. I will try again to call and confirm it before I do the second post.
Don't have any stockings to stuff? Pick them up for yourself, grab them for coworkers, your kids teacher, little girls that you have to buy for. There really isn't that many people I know of that don't like nail polish.
Sorry to cut this kinda short, but I am falling asleep over here. haha I will be posting again soon, possibly tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!
Hope you enjoyed my post! Merry Christmas!
Ok, so these aren't really Christmas type colors, but look at how awesome they are! I am all for bright colors and I just couldn't pass this up, especially since they're insta dri! Fast drying nail polish is my friend. Its so hard to paint your nails when you have little kids running around all the time!
Sorry to cut this kinda short, but I am falling asleep over here. haha I will be posting again soon, possibly tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!
Hope you enjoyed my post! Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Hi there!
So, I was contemplating starting Christmas manicures but I don’t
know if I am ready for that just yet.
Christmas is slowly growing on me, and I feel like I shouldn’t throw myself at
it just yet before Christmas. Its kiiiinda Christmassy but not like bam Christmas! Just red nail polish with a tip of clear
glitter, Yay I love glitter!
I used Zoya- Gia for
the red. Zoya is a relatively new brand to me. I heard about them when I started following nail blogs. I learned that they are vegan and 3 free and definitely cruelty free. I had never used a polish like this and I wasn't sure how it would be. I really LOVE it. Its such a nice formula and it goes on really nice and smooth. Even with my gloves at work it lasts just as long as any other brand I've used. Their website is really neat and when you purchase a polish you can get points and trade them in. They have tons of super awesome colors. You should really join their website! They are so good to their members and it's free!
And here's the finished nails! Really simple but really pretty I think. I hope you like! Thanks for reading!
Oh! Also Please like our facebook page so we can do our giveaway!
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