Saturday, November 8, 2014

It's dangerous to go alone, take this!

Long time no see! haha Ok, so I know I mentioned that I was back to blogging since my lil break from it, but Panacea and I have decided that we are probably not going to blog as much anymore due to the fact that not enough people actually read our blog. We will still be sharing pics with you guys on Instagram and our FB page, but for now, we're not really going to be blogging.

So for todays post, I want to show you guys The Legend Of Zelda collection from a brand that we've shown you before and LOVE. Marbles For Polish! She has some really great polishes!

I have never really been a fan of Legend of Zelda, but my husband is obsessed. He was excited to see that I had some polishes themed after his favorite video game from his childhood. The colors are called Trinity, Wisdom, Power, and Courage. All great names to represent the game from what I have heard about it. These are linear holos and they're GORGEOUS! The formula is great, they dry quickly with seche vite top coat. They have been holding up pretty well with the gloves I wear at work and have lasted pretty well with all the dishes I do at work. The polishes all look best with two coats, but if applied right could probably go with just one coat.

Power is a gorgeous black polish. I paired it with some white caviar and wore it to my 10 year class reunion! I got a few compliments on it, even though the caviar I used kinda sucked and I screwed it up. haha Heres with two coats, the caviar, and seche vite top coat.


Next is Trinity, a GORGEOUS gold polish. Usually golds, yellows, etc don't look very good on me, but I just loved this one so much so I didn't care if it did or not. I wore it for Halloween with my costume. I was Cleopatra for our Halloween party. Its such a pretty shade of gold. Here it is with seche vite top coat.

Heres a bonus pic of me in my costume, also my husband as a last minute Olaf. lol

Here is Wisdom, a beautiful lavendar color. I LOVE this color. This and Trinity are probably my faves from the collection. Here it is with seche vite top coat.

Lately we have courage, a beautiful green polish. Usually I am not that fond of greens on my nails either, but I really liked this too! I still have it on and its been on for 3 days of dishes and gloves at work. The formula is amazing. When I had all the colors on my nails I had it on for awhile too before it got too bad. Here it is with seche vite top coat.

Hope you guys enjoyed this post! If you would like to buy any of these polishes or any of Marbles for Polish polishes you can do so by clicking HERE. You can also like her page on Facebook by clicking HERE.

If you don't already, please follow Panacea and I on Instagram so you can see all the polishes we try! You can find Panacea's page by clicking HERE. You can find my page by clicking HERE.

Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a great weekend! xoLeah

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Julep Erin

Hi there!

I am sure that you've all heard about Juleps bad publicity going on, so I wanted to share some good ones! A long while ago, when I first go into nail polish again I had seen ad add online for Juleps free first box. I was really curious so I tried it. I didn't love the colors I had gotten in my first box, so I was considering canceling. I had ended up forgetting to do so, but I got a free box anyhow for people using my code. I really enjoyed that box, so I stuck with the maven for a little bit. After a little while I just was skipping boxes only because I did not have the money at the time for the 21$ subscription. I had ordered during their promos and mystery boxes and such. I never had any issues with Julep! I always loved my boxes, and even my mystery boxes! I for some reason really LOVED the September box. I love love love the colors that were in my box.. I don't have enough greys in my collection, and the red is just such a gorgeous fall red. I also love red nail polish :D. I had just gotten some jules for my birthday, and I have heard that the mavens were not going to be able to skip all the months they wanted anymore, so I wanted to use up all my jules.

Today I want to show you Erin from the September Boho Glam Julep Maven box. It is a super pretty light grey ( gray? ) crémé nail polish. I goes on super smooth and is great with just two coats.

Here it is with two coats and no top coat. (over one coat of ridge filler)

I really loved this color. It will probly be one of my favorite fall colors, and definitely my favorite grey!

Of course I had to put glitter on top! Here it is with a coat of inm Northern Lights ( I don't know if this item is cruelty free, but I received it in an adopt a friend package and I love it so much! So I really hope it is!)

 I edited the contrast a little to show off the sparkle a little better.

 What do you think? Do you like it? I am an even bigger fan with the glitter over it! The only thing I noticed was that it was chipping by the next morning, but I think it was the ridge filler I was using because it was happening with a few other polishes I had worn too.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Orly Oui

Hi there!

Today I want to show you one of my FAVORITE colors from Orly. Her name is Oui, and she is one of the few polishes I own that I have worn more than a few times.. I seriously just love this polish. It is a super gorgeous purple/gold shimmer bottle of liquid beauty. That is the best way that I can describe this polish. If you see this polish, you should snatch it up. You'll be so happy that you did.

Here it is with two coats and a top coat in regular light. 

Here it is with two coats and a top coat in the sunlight... I've never really been able to get good photos of this polish for some reason. I think the sun here in Arizona is just awesome. It makes all my polishes look awesome!

Do you not just LOVE this polish? I cant even stand it. It is perfect. I love the color shift and the color combo. What do you think of this polish?

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kings and Queens

YAY! We're back finally! Ok, well first I want to say sorry for taking so long to do my post. I know I kept saying I was going to do it and didn't. I have been working a lot lately. I am so happy to be working again, and as weird as this sounds, I like that I do dishes at work at my nail polish comes off because it gives me a reason to paint them again! haha It does hold up surprisingly well, so it gives me enough time to enjoy the mani, but short enough to please my addiction to paint them all the time! haha

The reason I haven't been posting is I needed a little break. I was on the brink of a mental breakdown with a lot of different things going on in my life and it was too much for me. I didn't have any motivation to do my nails either. Since getting a new job and being able to get out of the house a little more that has eliminated a huge part of the problem I was having and I am feeling a lot better! Thank you guys for sticking around and being so understanding!

ANYWAYS.... Well for any of you who follow our facebook page, you will know that I had some acrylic nails put on awhile back. Well when I started my job, they told me I couldn't have them. I had them on for two weeks when I started my job. I waited till the last minute and tried to soak them off, that was a bad idea. It was the first time I ever tried to soak off nails, and I had to google how to do it. lol The way I did it didn't even work. It was taking FOREVER. Since I waited last minute, I ended up giving up and just filing them down. They were already cut from when I was soaking them. Well since they were all grown out and looking terrible I decided to paint them to try to cover their ugliness.

I used one of the polishes I got awhile ago in my Reddit exchange. I used I <3 Nail Polish's Kings & Queens. This color is SO SPARKLY and GORGEOUS! Omg! I am in love! They make the best holos and I need all of them now! lol I tried to do an accent nail to make it ever sparklier, but in the pics you can barely see it. I used Bombshell by Polish Me Silly. It looked really awesome in person! Pardon the messy nails!

Since then I have taken my acrylics off the rest of the way, but I peeled them off. After doing a ton of dishes, they started to fall off. My nails are super thin, but I have been using Duri Rejuvacote in hopes that it will help them! I had a bad experience with those acrylics, they were uneven and the lady hurt me a bunch of times while doing them. Then she gave me a pedicure and I got blisters on the top of my foot. I think that was a reaction to something cuz I had just shaved, but still. The whole experience was shitty. So I plan on not ever getting acrylics again. I have said this before, but after that last experience, it has really made me not want them ever again. Please make sure you check out your salon before you let them touch your hands or feet! Make sure they meet all requirements by law!

Just part of the issues I had with my nails. So uneven!

Hope you guys are having a great week! xoLeah

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

*waves* Long time, no blog!

Hi there!

Hope you all are well. I've missed you all, and blogging so very much! Thank you for sticking by us while we figured out our personal lives. It really means a lot to us. I lost my way a bit in February, and I've just recently found my way back.. I did not know how to start this post. I feel so rusty. I wanted to share with you all why I have been absent so much lately. So I hope that I don't lose you before I get to the polishes. I apologize in advance, this will probly be pretty long! The polishes are on the bottom if you want to just skip to them! ;)

In Feb. I had a lot of car trouble. A LOT. I ended up losing my job because of it. I have never been fired from any job in my 10-11 years of working. I was devastated. I felt so useless. And I was so angry! I am still pretty angry with how everything went down. With all the trouble with my car I had to worry how I would get my hubby to work, and how I could get to school. I stopped painting my nails, except for the few colors I had been sent to review. I just had no desire. My parents helped me with my car so at least I was able to get hubby to and from work, and I could finish up my semester. On my very last day of class, I ended up adopting a dog from a lady I used to work with. We named him BOY because it was literally the only thing he answered to lolol. He was a wreck of a dog, and he tried and tested my patience, and seemed to know how to push every single one of my buttons to drive me absolutely crazy! He has taken a lot of work, time, and pateince, but I think we are finally making some progress! yayy!

Fast Forward to June, I was coming home from taking hubby to work, all of a sudden, all the lights on my dash go on, and the car just stops. There, in the middle of traffic.. And it wont start for nothing. I go to grab my phone, and I left my phone at home... Fuck. Great. Fantastic! It was like 830am, I was still in my pajamas, and I looked like a mess. I walked into the first store I saw that was open, and I tried to call my hubby to see if he could get a hold of my friend Amanda to pick me up since we were supposed to hang out that day. She finally finds me and we try to get my car to Auto Zone to have it tested. Nothing is showing up. Everything is fine it says.. ughhhh BRUNO MARS ( my cars name. Because I hate them both so very much!! ) WHY MUST YOU BE LIKE THIS?! We left my car in the Wal-Mart parking lot and she took me home to her house.. We didn't even get to watch Pretty Little Liars!! My car was out of commission for about a week and a half. While all this is going down, my Grandma offered me to come live with her in AZ.. She had offered a few times, but I was in school, and there were a lot of things we had to take care of so I just didn't know if it would work or if it would ever even happen. I mean, I have A LOT of animals, hubby has a job that he LOVES, there were a lot of things that needed to be taken care of. But I was so unhappy. we could not catch a break for anything. Hubby had talked to his boss to see if he could transfer, and it ended up getting him a promotion! Very awesome and exciting! So in a little over 3 weeks, I had to clean, get rid of, and pack 6+ years worth of stuff. That was tough. It took me about a week to pack my nail polish alone!

Aug. 3rd we packed up the truck and headed to Arizona... Since we have been here things have been pretty good. There are still things in IL. that we are taking care of, but we are finally out. I really needed this restart... And I would like to thank you all again for sticking by us while everything was going on in our personal lives. It really truly means the world to us.

So now for some polish! Since I've been here in Az., I have been wanting to blog again and paint my nails regularly. I am even thinking about going and getting my nail technician degree, until I can find a school that offers dietetic technician.

So, I have a few designs that I want to show you today. I have posted a few on my instagram, but not all of them yet!

My natural nails have also been looking really nice! They are not as brittle, peely, and just plain crappy. I still need a ridge filler, but I really am so proud of them. I have been trying to take really good care of them!
Just Kidding!
 The first one I want to show you is a fun nail art. I used the first couple colors that I unpacked and some nail tape. The base colors are butter LONDON Silly Billy and Cake-Hole. I placed some nail tape in different ways once those dried, and applied Union Jack Black on top. One of my very favorite blacks!

butter LONDON Silly Billy, Cake-Hole, Union Jack Black

Fun, right?! It was also really super easy! I may try to do a video tutorial some time!

I also used my dotting tools for the first time. On the first day we got here to AZ. Hubby had to run to the store to get a few things, I stayed home to unpack some stuff. When he came home he gave me  three wet n wilds from their new Ferris Wheel Collection. I had been so out of the loop, I did not even know Wet n Wild had a new collection!

I used Wheel Romance as my base color and used my dotting tool and did some little dots with spitfire and chambray showers. Topped with some northern lights for some glitter! I really loved this a lot. Very cute and easy!

spitfire, wheel romance, Chambray Showers

And I saved the best for last. This one was my very favorite mani that I have done in a long time. I found an idea for it on pinterest and did my own version of it. I did it for Hubby's bday. We went out to celebrate his bday and our Anniversary, because we didn't really get to do anything for our anniversary last month.

I used Zoya Dovima as my base and, Ulta Holographic on my thumb, Chaos & Crocodiles Color Wheel Chaos on my pointer, OPI In True Stefani Fashion on my middle, Wet n Wild Fergie Mermaid Curves on my ring finger, and OPI Pink Yet Lavender on my pinkie. I then used Julep matter top coat over the glitter! I really loved this. It was so easy and so pretty! I couldn't stop looking at it. I only wish I did glitter on my thumb, and not the holographic.

Zoya Dovima, Ulta Holographic, Chaos & Crocodiles Color Wheel Chaos, OPI In True Stefani Fashion, Wet n Wild Mermaid Curves, OPI Pink yet Lavender, julep top coat

I really hope that you love all of these! I will be posting about my trip to the Arizona Botanical Gardens next time! It was so cool and so much fun!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy my nail arts!


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I'm baaack!

Ok ladies, so I am going to try to start posting again. Took a lil break for some personal reasons. I don't know about once every Tuesday, but I am going to try to post whenever I do my nails. 

Right now they look horrendous. I started a new job after having acrylics on for almost two weeks and I waited till the last minute to try to soak them off. I got tired and gave up and had to work the next day. Well I filed what was left down and they're all jacked up looking. I have yet to soak the rest off, but now they're almost grown out, so I'll just probably let them go that way. So don't mind if I post and my nails look terrible. Just look at the pretty polishes! lol


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy Independence Day

I know I am a day late, but I wanted to wait to show you guys this post so that I could put firework pictures in it too!! Going to be a short one, but pic heavy. So be warned! lol

I have been really lazy with my nails lately, especially when it comes to nail art. So I decided to go big for the 4th.

I used Color Club's French Tip for the white. KleanColor Metallic Red for the red, and Finger Paints Surfs Up for the blue. The red, white, and blue glitter on my ring finger is Hard Candy's Soda Pop. I used stripping tape to do the lines, and a pack of star gems I got from a friend on Reddit. I had so much fun doing this mani and I love it so much. This is probably my favorite mani I have done so far!

I was so sad though that some of it bled and smudged when I put on my top coat, but I loved it anyways and got lots of compliments on it!

Please show us the mani you did for the 4th if you did any!

Hope you had a great holiday and have a great weekend! xoxoLeah

Thursday, July 3, 2014

July Giveaway

Hi there!

Sorry for my lack of postings. If you follow us on Facebook, I posted that things have been really crazy, and I have had just no desire to paint my nails or anything.

My husband and I are moving across the country on Aug. 1 so this giveaway will just be a flate rate box full of nail polishes. Some may not be cruelty free, but they are all brand new.  This giveaway will last until the 28th of July and the winner will only have 24 hours to respond!

Please don't unlike us after the giveaway! Its not nice, and we enjoy our viewers so much! ( You will be banned from future giveaways also )
This giveaway is for US ONLY (Sorry International ladies :/ )
You must be 18+ years of age or have a guardians permission
Be Nice! Meanness will not be tolerated, ever.
No cheating or giveaway accounts
Have fun!


I am selling quite a bit of nail polishes! Please check my storenvy destash! I would love not to take all of these with me ! 


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Black Holos

Hello lovees!

Today I am going to show you two really awesome black holos that I got recently. The first one is The Symbiote by Chirality. The second is The Beyond by Color Club. I love both of them because they're both black holos, but look so different! Color Club is one of my favorite brands and Chirality is a new brand to me. I have heard of it before, but this is my first time using/owning any. I got The Symbiote from Jen from Jen's Nail Files. We found out awhile ago that we live 5 minutes from each other, so when she had a bunch of holos for sale, I couldnt resist because holos are my FAVE!! Beyond I got from my new friend in my Adopt A Friend group that does nail polish exchanges. I think The Symbiote is my favorite of the two though just because its a darker black, but like I said, they're both great!! Its funny how you can have practically the same polish, but they look so different. They're both great formulas and go on very nice. They both stayed on great for the week or so that I wore each one!

Sorry this is such a short post, but hope you all are having a great week and enjoyed my post. XOLeah